Discover your marketing potential and take back control of your marketing...

Here at Think Forensics, we pride ourselves on delivering results for our clients. We want to show you how to make smarter decisions to effectively improve your marketing and business performance.

Different from other marketing consultants...

We are able to combine strategical and tactical marketing, offering marketing methodology and hands-on marketing support. My customers don’t get “average” marketing they get proven marketing to help them grow.

  • Proven, experienced, and qualified strategic marketer
  • Clear and unambiguous pricing and engagements
  • Legally compliant and crystal clear
  • Connected and engaged within a lively peer community

Here to help you...

Debbie Bouffler


Hello! My name is Debbie Bouffler and I am the Think Forensics Founder.

I have a proven track record of helping businesses to understand and discover their marketing potential. With much of my career spent in various corporate positions, within the Healthcare, Petrochemicals, IT, and Automotive industries.

I have also taken the time to develop my own business, and want to share my marketing knowledge with others. Providing clarity and boosting marketing performance!

With particular knowledge in areas such as implementing and managing CRM, Marketing Automation, Data Management, and Google Analytics. I like helping businesses unravel their marketing. I help to discover the marketing potential that a business needs to achieve its business goals. This ensures that both the marketing budget and resources are not wasted.

No marketing task is too big when you love what you do!

I’m a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a qualified Chartered Marketer. I offer marketing mentoring services through the CIM and love offering a helping hand to fellow marketers